Remote Embedded Development

Table of Contents

I hate wires. Being a student of embedded systems for the last couple years, I have had plenty of experience lugging wires around, finding and losing small screw drivers for screw pin terminals, and plugging and unplugging dev boards from debuggers.

In this post, I’ll talk about how I found a low-cost solution to my woes and how anyone can set up something similar.


While working on an embedded Rust project for a class, I found myself carrying a small STM32H750 development board in my backpack, along with a USB cable, a debugger, a USB cable for the debugger, and lots of jumper wires. Anytime I wanted to do work, I had to pull all of this out of my bag and reassemble it. The more I did this, the more annoyed I became, until finally I carved out some time to find a better solution.

In previous internships, there was a way to access hardware in a lab from my laptop by accessing the company VPN and then sshing into a computer connected to the hardware. I set out to create a similar setup in my dorm room.

My goal is to be able to debug and test hardware remotely as easily as I could with the hardware in front of me. Of course, there are limitations: we don’t have any hardware-in-the-loop that would allow us to set and read analog and digital signals, and any issues in hardware or hardware setup would require access to the hardware. However, for working on an application or a bootloader, it should be sufficient to have access to a debugger like GDB and the ability to flash and run a serial console.


I had a few Raspberry Pis lying around, so I installed RaspbianOS and connected my debugger to the USB port on the Pi. I also connected the USB peripheral of the dev board I am using to the Pi because the project I was working on used USB, and I was able to use the USB port of the device to power the microcontroller.

In addition, I had a USB web camera sitting in my desk drawer so I connected it to the Raspberry Pi and set up a tool called motion which allows users to expose a USB webcam as a live stream with a web interface. My configuration can be found in this GitHub Gist.

With this, I was able to run the following command on Linux to pull up a window with the live stream:

$ ffplay \
    -fflags nobuffer \
    -flags low_delay \
    -framedrop -strict experimental \

This is incredibly useful for applications where you have visual elements like LEDs or an LCD screen.


At the moment, my workflow looks like this:

  1. Develop code locally
  2. Use cargo locally to build a firmware image
  3. Use scp to copy the built file to the Raspberry Pi using ssh
  4. In an ssh session, use probe-run to flash and monitor the serial output from defmt
  5. Rinse and repeat

The main issue with this workflow as of now is the number of steps and time that it takes. There are a couple of things we can do to make the process more seamless:


There are a number of things we could build on to make an even better remote setup. Right now, we don’t have the ability to simulate digital/analog inputs and outputs. Using an Arduino with a serial connection is a very cheap way of creating a mini HiL (hardware-in-the-loop) simulator. When working on the high voltage power distribution firmware for my college’s Formula SAE team I used a system like this to fully test the state machine that controlled power distribution and precharge for our tractive system:

This system could simulate all the inputs and read all the outputs, for both GPIO pins and the CANbus network that the target was connected to. As a result of being able to do this testing, we had almost no integration issues between firmware and the final version of hardware. Adding a Raspberry Pi to the mix, even hooking it up to Github Actions to do automated hardware-based continuous integration, and your systems will continue getting more and more robust!

A brief request for help

One area that I am interested in exploring is a setup that allows for automated testing, in-person development, and remote development. The idea is that a user can access the hardware in person by connecting various programmers and dongles to their laptop, or they can remotely access it as it is connected to a Raspberry Pi, or if it isn’t being used by someone, it can be utilized by an automated testing setup in continuous integration. This would allow for full flexibility of an embedded workflow and would save on cost to not have to have duplicated rigs.

I’m not totally sure about how to go about this though. There would probably need to be some way of the user indicating that they are using the rig in person, maybe a button or a switch or something. And the continuous integration handler would need to be smart enough to know when the system was in use. If anyone has any ideas, my email is on the About page, so feel free to get in touch!


In the end, my remote embedded setup works great for me. There is a lot of muscle-memory involved for now in terms of remembering the correct commands and the correct order, but for now, I am able to work on my application remotely just as efficiently as I would if I was still lugging the hardware around in my backpack, so I consider it a success.